Tony has agreed to lead a walk on 29 May, starting at the long lay-by on A419 (London Road) between the turning up to Old Neighbourhood and Chalford. Meet there at 10.00am. (Note slightly earlier than normal start time.) We'll be walking along the canal at the bottom of Chalford to Bakers Mill, and circling back through Three Groves Wood, Strawberry Banks (loads of Early Purple Orchids and some Green-winged) and Dimmel's Dale. Tony has selected the route so that anyone not wanting too much of a physical challenge will be OK.
If you'd like a Green-winged Orchid hit before then, they were still looking fab at Iles Green on Friday - though they were beginning to go over.
Lily-of-0the Valley at Siccaridge Wood should be in full bloom (and scent) now too.
Let me know if you'd like to have lunch at the Lavender Bakehouse on 29. I will have to book ahead, so ASAP please.