Collage of flora and fauna from Minch Common

We were back together again, after the lockdowns, with a good turn-out and good weather for a walk to Stuart Foulkes Nature Reserve, lead by Ros - primarily to look at the rare Meadow Clary. (The Box Meadows nature reserve is one of only a few sites in the UK where this rare plant can be found.)

Entering the reserve
Meadow Clary
Meadow Clary

We descended down to Iron Mills Common, where the experts had a long, and I suspect unresolved, discussion about which species of Milkwort we were seeing, and unusual site for Bird's-nest Orchids and several butterfly sightings, including Adonis Blues, Chalkhill Blues and Brown Argus. Return via Scar Hill and the Stone Mines revealed that the Lizard Orchid may have reappeared on a former known site.Adonis BlueAdonis Blue

Brown Argus on Milkwort
Brown Argus on Milkwort
Sainfoin on Iron Mills Common
Sainfoin on Iron Mills Common

Flora on Minchinhampton Common
