Collage of flora and fauna from Minch Common


Deer in the Minchinhampton Area


Some time ago, we were walking the quiet road between Winstones ice cream factor and Bownham Common and came across a young deer on the road, trying, we supposed, to follow the rest of the herd who might have just jumped a high garden wall. It proved just a shade too high, though it had many attempts, persisting in spite of a horseman riding along the road and us watching all this time from 20 meters away.

You can see that even high walls, fences and hedges are not much of a barrier for deer. I have watched a roe dear simply push its way through our garden hedge at a point where I perviously considered it quite dense and more than adequate to exclude animals. While it is a thrill to see them, unfortunately they can take a liking to the delicate fresh shoots of newly planted fruit trees, or for lying over plants on the rockery. This is yet another reason - along with the badgers and foxes - why we do not spend a lot of effort or money on planting up our garden.

Saturday, 09 January 2016

Flora on Minchinhampton Common
