Collage of flora and fauna from Minch Common

Collage of wildflowers and butterflies

Box Woods Bluebells

24 April 2016: Spring flowers are appearing in Box Woods.


Also seen on our Sunday walk: 


Alium Paradoxum, or "Few Flowered Garlic" (Sometimes "Few Flowered Leek"). This is a foreign invasive species,that is spreading into Box Woods from the top boundary near the village.
 Wild Garlic: always widespread in Box Woods especially near the upper part of the wood. (Let me confess: my photograph from April 24th 2016 was blurred. This is a photograph of the same location from mid-May 2015.)   Wild Garlic in Box Woods
A White-bluebell. According to the NHM Nature Plus website, these are usually either genetic mutants or sometimes a hybrid with garden varieties. They are rarely completely pure white and this one does seem to have a tinge of blue at the edges of the petals.  White bluebell
Wood Anemone with bluebell.  Wood Anemone with Bluebell
Scarlet tiger moth caterpillar. Scarlet Tiger Moth caterpillar


Flora on Minchinhampton Common
