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Green-veined White Pieris Napi
This tends to be a species of woodland and damp grassland. (This example was photographed in Woodchester Park.) Unless you see the underside of the wing they might be mistaken for Small Whites. |
Orange Tip Anthocharis cardamines
This is a male photographed in Woodchester Park. The females do not have the orange tips and can be mistaken for whites. You need to see the underside of the wing to confirm identification of the females, however, all of our photographs show them resting with wings open and the underside not visible. These do not overwinter as adults, so can be taken as a genuine sign of Spring. |
To Do - Seen and photographed locally, but have not yet edited photos for inclusion here - watch this space
- Small white - Siccaridge
- Brimstone - Woodchester Park
- Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Hailey Woods
Awaiting local photographs
- Red Admiral
- Comma